Sondra Gorden » Justice League

Justice League

Justice League Team-6th Grade

                       Mrs. Gorden-SS, Mrs. Rios-Science, Mrs. Warner-ELA, Ms. Hinkle-Math



Welcome to 6th Grade Social Studies at Ledford Middle School!  We know both students and parents are filled with excitement, anxiety, and maybe a little fear facing this new adventure at middle school.  It is our hope that at the end of this school year there will be nothing but positive memories of their first year at middle school. We are looking forward to an exciting and productive year, and we hope you and your child are as well.


Please contact us if ever you, or your child, have any questions or concerns.  The best way to contact me is to call and leave a message at school (336-476-4816) or send an e-mail to the address [email protected]. (social studies)

[email protected] (ELA)

[email protected] (science)

[email protected] (math)


Daily Required Materials:

 Pencil/Pen     3 Subject Notebook       Any work that is due   Chrome book





Suggested Additional Materials:



Colored pencils

Pencil case (zipper)-I have these for each student

 Glue Stick







  • When students are absent, it is their responsibility to:
    • turn in any work which was due during their absence
    • check Google Classroom for any missed assignments.
    • Get any worksheets/handouts from the class or Google Classroom


  •    All work must be made up within five days following the student's return to school. It is their responsibility to turn in missing work.





Grades this year will be divided into major and minor works.  Minor works consist of assignments, quizzes, etc.  Major works will consist of tests, projects, etc.


                        Major Works                        60%

                        Minor Works                        40%

The grade-book is online. Each student and parent is given a user id and password to access grades. Because students and parents have 24/7 internet access to view their grades, there is no excuse for low grades. I expect the students to check PowerSchool on a daily basis to ensure they do not have missing work. I will put the date the assignment was assigned in Google Classroom so they can go there to get the work if it is missing. If at any time there is a concern or question about a grade, please do not hesitate to contact me via note, phone call, or e-mail.


Mrs. Gorden’s Classroom Rules


  1. Be on time, on task, and prepared to listen and learn.
  2. Respect myself, my classmates, and all adults.
  3. Hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times.
  4. Keep all personal electronics out of sight and silent.
  5. Have a positive attitude and have fun!
  6. Follow all school rules.





 I will be having daily zoom meetings that will be posted in Google Classroom. I will be doing this for two reasons.  First, all power points/google slides, vocabulary, notes, etc. will be readily accessible to all students. Second, just in case we have to go all virtual again, the students will be prepared and understand how I use Zoom and my expectations.