Amanda Pitman » Science



Bachelor of Science from Appalachian State University

Teaching for 13 years

Contact me:

[email protected]


Science 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th periods



Classroom Expectations and Procedures:


7th Grade Science Syllabus

Mrs. Pitman

Course Description:

Science in the 7th grade continues to expand on environmental, life, and physical sciences. We will begin the year studying the atmosphere and its components (including air, water cycle, pollution, etc.). In the second quarter of the year, we will begin life science with the study of cells – the building blocks of life. We will learn their components and how they function and contribute to life. This leads us into the study of genetics. In the third quarter, we will study the systems of the human body and how they work together to sustain life. The last quarter of the year will be dedicated to the study of physics including energy transformations, forces and motion, and simple machines.


Course Expectations:


Students in this science class are expected to begin the process of scientific inquiry to explore the world around them. Students are expected to come to class prepared to learn. Students will be expected to keep up with their notes and assignments in their interactive notebooks. Their notebooks will also be their study guide for the year. It is recommended that students review their notebooks every evening to keep the concepts fresh in their minds.


Interactive Notebooks:


Students will utilize their interactive notebooks daily, so they must have them in class every day. It is very important to keep them neat, accurate, and up-to-date. Notebooks will be graded at least once per quarter for accuracy and completion of assignments.


Grading Policy:

  • 40% Major works (tests, major projects, etc.)
  • 35% Minor works (quizzes, minor projects, notebook checks, etc.)
  • 25% Classwork/Homework


Course Policies:


Student Work: All students are expected to do quality work, read class material, think critically, and write effectively. Work is expected to be completed on time. Points will be deducted from late work.

Absences: If a student is absent, it is HIS/HER responsibility to get all work missed and return it to the teacher in a timely manner (within 5 days). All handouts from each day are put in a labeled folder on the bulletin board within the classroom so students who are absent during class can easily access them independently upon their return.


Class Rules:


  • Come to class prepared to learn and grow
  • Bring notebook and supplies to class every day
  • Be kind


Class Materials:


While this is a short list of supplies, they are absolutely necessary to have in class daily.

  • One 3-Subject Notebook
  • Pens
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Coloring utensils (crayons, pencils, marker, etc.)